Ode to Catherine Lord
When Cath joined a southern Brass Band
She exclaimed “Oh, it’s going to be grand!
It’ll all be fantastic
Unless something drastic
Makes things turn out stranger than planned!”
Fast forward a couple of years,
Cath realised a few of her fears.
Things could hardly get stranger
Than moving to Asia,
“I just hope it won’t end in tears …”
But on heading to Singapore City,
Jon gave Cath a diamond so pretty
To suggest they get married,
The motion was carried!
And the move was no longer a pity!
Now the wedding is finally here
Oop North, on the Eve of New Year!
So this little poem
Is the band’s way of showin’
We wish them both Luck and Good Cheer!!!
© 2007 Maggie Stallybrass
She exclaimed “Oh, it’s going to be grand!
It’ll all be fantastic
Unless something drastic
Makes things turn out stranger than planned!”
Fast forward a couple of years,
Cath realised a few of her fears.
Things could hardly get stranger
Than moving to Asia,
“I just hope it won’t end in tears …”
But on heading to Singapore City,
Jon gave Cath a diamond so pretty
To suggest they get married,
The motion was carried!
And the move was no longer a pity!
Now the wedding is finally here
Oop North, on the Eve of New Year!
So this little poem
Is the band’s way of showin’
We wish them both Luck and Good Cheer!!!
© 2007 Maggie Stallybrass